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来源:今日招聘 | 发布时间:2023-07-13 06:56:20 |  访问:8980


岗位描述:科研任务:主要从事全球治理、国家治理和社会治理(含数字治理)理论和应用研究,构建中国公共治理的基本理论和全球治理理论体系。承担全球化与治理、外交战略与政策、发展理论与实践、社会学与社会政策等专业基础和方向课程 教学任务:每学年承担 112 学时的课程教学工作(优先考虑如政治学,全球治理,国际关系与外交战略等课程)。其它:每年公共服务工作应达到学院规定要求。根据申请人资格条件确定聘任助理教授、副教授、教授职务。?Research Tasks: To conduct research in the areas of global governance, international relations and diplomatic strategy, and international development, and to maintain a high level of academic production. Teaching Tasks: To undertake 112 hours of course teaching per academic year (we prefer candidates willing to provide courses particularly concerning political science, global governance, international relations and diplomatic strategy). Other requirements: To participate in a certain amount of public service work as required by the School.资格条件:1.遵守教师职业规范,秉持优良师德师风,爱岗敬业、为人师表、立德树人、关爱学生、服务社会。2.原则上具有博士后研究经历或两年以上在研究型大学或研究机构工作的经历。3.研究方向具有前沿性、基础性,符合学院学科方向需要。4.能够胜任国际化人才培养的需要,开设本学科方向的中文或英文基础课程和专业课程。5.具备发表国际学术成果、开展国际学术交流、参与国际学术事务的能力。6.学术研究水平在同年龄段国内同行中名列前茅,达到同年龄段国际同行的前列水平。?1. To abide by the ethical code of the teaching profession, uphold teacher ethics, dedicate to the position, serve as models for students and serve the community. 2. The candidate in principle should have postdoctoral research experience or more than two years of work experience in a research-oriented university or institution. 3. Research interests of the candidate are leading and fundamental, which fit the needs of the disciplinary development of the School. 4. The candidate should meet the standards of international talent training and be able to offer basic and specialized courses in Chinese or English. 5. The candidate should be able to publish research works on international platforms, carry out international academic communications and exchanges, and participate in international academic events. 6. The candidate’s academic research ability should be among the top of his/her peers at home and on the vanguard of his/her international peers.截止日期:2023-12-31Apply:阅读原文






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